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Consumer Loans

The Best Way to Borrow

Personal Loans

Need Funds Fast? 

When you need cash fast, whether it’s for home repairs, the purchase of an older vehicle* or an emergency situation, choose SPCU’s personal loan. 

  • Fixed Rates
  • No collateral required
  • Terms up to 5 years
  • Up to $20,000 with Co-signer

Apply Online TodayOr visit a SPCU Branch.

*Over 7 years old

Vehicle/Watercraft Loans

Yellow motorcycle

Vehicle and Boat Loans for your Lifestyle and Budget

Need financing for your new or used car, motorcycle, RV or boat?

With an SPCU vehicle/boat loan, you'll get:

  • Up to 100% financing (on new only)
  • No down payment for new vehicles/boats; 10% minimum down payment for used (7 years or newer)
  • No application fee
  • Maximum term:  5 years on used, 6 years on new

Current Rates

SPCU can make your loan payments more manageable with convenient payroll deductions.


Need a lower rate or a different term on an existing loan? Refinancing options are available on loans from other lenders.

Our low refinance loan rates are among the best.  In most cases, we beat our competitors!

Apply Now Online Or Call Us Today At 800-310-7728

* Your rate will be determined by your credit history and term selected.Subject to credit evaluation. Contact the Credit Union for details.

Share Secured Loans

Flexible Borrowing!

Build your credit with a low rate shared secured loan from SPCU. Funds borrowed can be used for virtually anything!

The loan is secured by the funds in your share account or CD. Borrow any amount up to your account’s balance. If borrowing against a CD, the term of the loan can be no longer than the remaining term of the CD.

  • Rate:  2.5% above what you are earning on your regular share or a certificate of deposit (CD).

To Apply, Call Us Today At 800-310-7728